The Vertigo Ledger

The Vertigo Ledger is a blog of the Inventor Sherpa Theater written with you in mind by Rich Clikeman.

If you haven’t visited Vertigo Ledger ~ The Backstory or Rotwire Unleashed ~ The Backstory to check out the bizarre backstory on how two unlikely bloggers pushed each other into doing what each was dead set against, this might be a good time.  Been there, dumb that? Then, there’s no time like the present to click with Clike.

Opening Day At The Inventor Sherpa Theater

Welcome! This post is one of four offerings of The Vertigo Ledger blog available to you on Opening Day of The Inventor Sherpa Theater. Two of the other three, Aloft In The Patent Death Zone ~ Into Thin Air and The Inventor Sherpa Theater Is All About You, combine with this post to give you a feel for what we at The Inventor Sherpa Theater hope to accomplish, for why we’re eager for you to join us, and for how you might benefit from signing on for the strange odyssey we embark on as the curtain opens and the lights dim. The fourth post delivers my side of the bizarre backstory […]

Welcome To The Inventor Sherpa Theater

Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air evokes thoughts of the patent death zone

Aloft In The Patent Death Zone ~ Into Thin Air

When it comes to extreme adventure, I’m strictly armchair with a seatbelt. Yet, here we are in the patent death zone.  It’s no coincidence, then, that this blog is called The Vertigo Ledger, the “vertigo” being my reaction to the third rung of any stepladder, the “ledge” being, well, any ledge.  As for The Inventor Sherpa Theater, that name emerged after a reading or two of Jon Krakauer’s riveting book, Into Thin Air. Jon Krakauer Contemplates Leaping Into Thin Air Into Thin Air* chronicles the adventures and tragedies of teams that attempted to summit Mount Everest on May 11, 1996, during […]

The Inventor Sherpa Theater Is All About You

The Inventor Sherpa Theater is All About You! Whether you’re a member of a global company with high powered research and lots of resources for patenting or a lone wolf inventor strapped for money and looking to do just as much as possible by yourself, this Patent World you find yourself in looks pretty much the same. It’s a complex demanding world full of ins and outs, of springboards and pitfalls, a tantalizing world promising successful endings while often delivering quiet disappointments or outright disasters.  So, to go all the way from first blush idea to granted patent, and beyond, there […]

All About You The Patent Player

Main featured image for The Vertigo Ledger blog of The Inventor Sherpa Theater

Vertigo Ledger ~ The World Does Not Need This Blog!

The World Does Not Need The Vertigo Ledger! I never intended to start this blog.  No, I mean it!  Really!  The world does not need even one more of these things, and certainly not the Vertigo Ledger.  Five years ago, the Center For Eradication Of The Unnecessary, using a vast array of paralyzed computers and some perpendicular devices as well, estimated the number of blogs was increasing at such a rate that, by 2030, a blog on some random topic would reproduce the entire collected works of Shakespeare by accident due simply to poor grammar, atrocious spelling, failure to grasp the subject […]