

Lobby Of The Inventor Sherpa Theater

Welcome To The Lobby Of The Inventor Sherpa Theater!

Our episode list is here for your viewing pleasure.  May we suggest starting with our Sneak Preview, as well as its companion welcome video, Pumped Up For Showtime.  Then, it’s on to Episode One of Season One titled Your Inventive Concept In Invention Space.  If a quick warp speed jump across Invention Space whets your appetite for more adventure, then all of Season One is at your finger tips to rent for 30 days at a cost of about one minute of a patent attorney’s time, the time it takes to drop a pen, say “Oops,” pick it up, and remember what you were talking about.

 Inventor Sherpa Theater Motion Pictures

Welcome ~ Let’s Get Patent Savvy!

Sneak Preview ~ Season One And Beyond

Pumped Up For Showtime

Season One Teaser

Episode 1  ~  Your Inventive Concept In Invention SpaceFREE

All Of Season One  ~  YOUR PATENT WORLD

We offer over an hour of Season One episodes designed to make you savvier as you approach Your Patent World.  These motion pictures* are hosted by industry standard Vimeo On Demand in conjunction with widely trusted PayPal.

Season One ~ All Seven Episodes of Your Patent WorldAlmost Free

Your Inventive Concept In Invention Space  (Episode 1)

Les Deliverables – Stepping Stones and Skyhooks  (E2)

The Players Of Your Patent World  (E3)

Roughing Out Your Inventive Concept  (E4)

Your Evolving Inventive Concept  (E5)

Death Scoping Your Inventive Concept, Pt I – Dark Matters  (E6)

Death Scoping Your Inventive Concept, Pt II – Bad Medicine  (E7)

Coming Attractions

Season Two Deep Space Search Party – Vital tips on the what, how, and why of uncovering publicly known threats to the patenting of your invention.  (late fall 2016)

Trademark Notification

(*)  These motion pictures are rented and sold under United States standard trademarks INVENTOR SHERPA, ROTWIRE, INTELLIPRENEUR CONSULTING, INTELLIPRENEURIAL METHOD and U.S. design trademarks:

INVENTOR SHERPAInventor Sherpa Trademark
and ROTWIRERotwire Design Trademark