About Us

Rotwire sees Players in his mirror

There Is No Them In Us… Or Isn’t There?

Although Rotwire would like to believe (and usually does) that he and Rich, as they say, “do it all” at the Inventor Sherpa Theater, the Bowser On Your Browser occasionally gags out a begrudging “Well… ok, then… thanks… I guess” to Chad Clikeman and Maureen McCreadie whose contributions add class to this venture which would otherwise be, well, otherwise. And, of course,

there’s You with your crazy fired up YOUness

and the contributions you’ll be making.  Learn a bit about each of us here, keeping in mind that the link to Rich isn’t worth clicking and Rotwire tends to “share” more than any reasonable person wants to know.  And, remember:

Us have met Them, and they are You… who are clearly Us.

All About You

Rich Clikeman


Chad Clikeman

Maureen McCreadie