Rotwire Unleashed

Rotwire Unleashed is a blog of the Inventor Sherpa Theater written by Rotwire for himself, the only audience he considers to be truly worthy of his efforts.  You can have a peek at it if you must.  It’s here that The Woofer with the Tweeter, The Dawg with the Blawg, The Bowser on Your Browser lets loose, advocating for inventions everywhere!  And, you better believe the Rotster has no qualms when it comes to gnawing on Clike when he thinks his insignificant another is out of line… which is most of the time.

If you haven’t clicked Vertigo Ledger ~ The Backstory or  Rotwire Unleashed ~ The Backstory to check out the bizarre backstory on how two unlikely bloggers pushed each other into doing what each was dead set against, this might be a good time.  Been there, dumb that? Then, there’s no time like the present to catch fire with Rotwire.

Patent Players Strengthen Your Hand

I know that some of you have a job where  you specialize in just one of the patent player roles.  If this is how you roll, if this is how you lace ’em up everyday before work, this post is a woof out to you from me, Rotwire. And Patent Players Mean Well Too… Mostly Upon reflection, which by the way looks rippled in my water dish whenever the Sherpa Shuttle idles at our bus stop, I should have left “mostly” out of this heading.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  It was irresponsible.  And, although I won’t, I really ought to retool the heading to let […]

Patent Players Strengthen Your Hand

Rotwire Unleashed Debut post

Rotwire Unleashed ~ An Unrepentant Invention Speaks Out

Ok, so this is the deal. I, Rotwire, never planned to write a blog, let alone a dawg blawg. I mean, that would be crazy, right? Sure, I’ve got mad skills and all that, but still. Besides, a blog takes work. And I’m pretty clear on how I feel about the “W word.” So, the blawg thing was never going to happen… …Or at least it wasn’t going to until that night a few weeks back. I had just hopped out of bed and flipped on the lights in my room up over Gidget’s Gadgets, and was padding across the […]